Lessons from Year 20

Project Type: Photography

Tools: Photography, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Procreate

Task: To create a zine that was personal to the artist and fully expressed their topic of choice.

Outcome: A photographic zine that depicts the struggle of understanding one’s identity, and how that can be connected to their physical attributes.


One thing that is always noticed by every person that meets me is my hair. For this personal project, I used that as my focus and wanted to fully communicate to the viewer my thoughts and feelings behind my hair, and the relatable thoughts that other people with curly hair have had too. It started with photographs, depicting myself in various different locations that one would be in to do their hair.


To make this zine more personable to myself, my handwriting has been implemented across the spreads in this book, written in a frantic matter to convey the loss of time one loses when they spend hours to look presentable.

To write all of these notes that would be implemented into the zine, the app Procreate was used. It allowed the experimentation of different textures as well as saving my writing in action.


Logo Design


Character Design